The Mamin horses

The breeding goal should be achieved exclusively with the pure breeding method and through selection. No breeding breeds are permitted. In order to be registered as a M 'amin horse or to be entered in a stud book class, all animals must have an original blood content of at least 50% of the recognized pure-bred M' amin horses in accordance with the original stud book. The aim is to increase the original blood content. An entry in the register of the M'amin horse breed can only take place if the pedigree of a horse capable of registration can be traced back to the recognized bloodline founder without any gaps. It must correspond to the desired typical breed characteristics, be healthy and fertile and be willing to perform.

T line

The most important bloodline founder of the M'amin horse breed is the stallion Toby I F- 203,
born 1936. Toby I is the founder of the "Toby Line." Toby I had 46 offspring
registered in the stud book of the ApHC. A special feature of this line are
Willingness to perform and human focus.
Well-known direct descendants and grandchildren of the Toby line: Toby II, Rapid Lightening, Kaniksus
Chain Lightning, Tobys Chico, Toby K, Toby IIs Patchy, Polkadott Toby, Tobys Peter Bilt,
Kaniksus Koscina, Tobys Karma Kate, Tobys Dancer, Cenesee Chief

K line

Another recognized bloodline founder of the M'amin horse breed is the mare “Kamiak
Trixie. “This mare has the same roots as Toby I. She is a full sister of the
Stallion Toby I F-203. Kamiak Trixie was born in 1932 and registered in the ApHC stud book under F-3255. She founded the Kamiak Trixie line. From Kamiak Trixie were only
few offspring registered in the ApHC studbook, including: Kamiak Prince, Kamiak
Princess and Chief of Fourmile. Preservation of the line is due to Kamiak Trixie's son, “Chief of
Fourmile “thanks to his speed and stamina
convinced and thereby ensured the spread and maintenance of the line.
Well-known direct descendants and grandchildren of the Kamiak Trixie line: Chief of Fourmile, Pines
Mr Fourmile, 4 Mile Brite Copy, Fourmile Stormy, LVJS Fourmile Sheba, 4 Mile Debutante

C line

The third recognized bloodline founder of the M'amin horse breed is the stallion “Chief
Joseph “F-92, born 1939. Chief Joseph was a half-brother of Toby I on his father's side
and its line is therefore a sideline of the Toby line. Chief Joseph was in the stud book
of the ApHC registered under F-92. Few descendants of Chief Joseph were im
Stud book of the ApHC registered.
Known, direct descendants and grandsons of the Chief Joseph line: Princess Tolo, Smokey E,
Lapwai Dude, Frosty Tolo

The direct descendants and grandchildren of these three bloodline founders form the basic gene pool in the International M'amin Horse Registry. They come from strict line breeding programs, were bred in a consolidated manner and are highly homozygousOity on the recognized founder. Therefore you will receive a rating of 100% original blood and will be classified as "Purebred M'amin horses " accepted.

International M'amin Horse Registry

Gschaid 89
8190 Birkfeld
Mobile: +43 676/7833563

An elder of the Nez Perce tribe, Archie Laywer, whom I interviewed during one of my visits to the Nez Perce reservation in 2003, answered me when asked where the M'amins came from: “M'amin horses, or Appaloosas as they are called today, came from the Palouse to the Nez Perce. ”Archie also said that the Palouse owned many spotted M'amine horses and that the breeding of those horses was in the hands of these people. He also mentioned that in his youth he saw few m'amins with the Nez Perce (Nimi'ipuu). Archie's son, as well as Rudy Shebala, the then director of the Nez Perce Horse Registry, and other Nez Perce elders whom I interviewed on the subject, confirmed Archie's accounts. (A. Laywer oral history, H. Wagner 2003)

Lee Manes, an early Appaloosa pioneer breeder and director of the Appaloosa Horse Club from 1950 to 1952 says: “The Appaloosas were bred by the Palouse groups and the western groups like the Alpowa. If the eastern groups of the Nez Perce had been voluminous Appaloosa breeders and if only a few had been bred in Palouse Country, the Appaloosas would almost certainly have been given another name, such as Kooskooskee. ”(PJ Wagner, American Appaloosa Anthology 1999; 95).
According to the Palouse tradition and oral tradition of Gordon Fisher (grandson of the Palouse Indian Sam Fisher - Yosyóos Tulikecíin,) Khalotas was the real chief in Palus around 1750. This Khalotas I (the first) had a good plan and was the one who went to the Missouri River to get the first M'a min colt (RDScheuerman; ACMcGregor 2010; 31). This colt became the patriarch of the Palouse horse herds and Khalotas became a famous horse breeder. That was probably around 1750 (RDScheuerman; MO Finley 2008; 10-11) - (Oral History G.Fisher RDScheuerman; ACMcGregor 2010; 31). Based on this statement, we now know that the Palouse bred M'amin horses for almost 200 years.
George Hatley and Francis Haines visited Sam Fisher in 1947. Despite his advanced age, he seemed to enjoy talking to both visitors about his horse breeding. He told them that he once owned many m'amine horses and that his father and grandfather bred m'amins long before he was born. Hatley and Haines also asked him about patterns before there was influences from horses brought by the settlers and he said, "Some had few spots, some were white, some turn almost white with age, and some had lots of spots." He also made gestures with which he described the spots and the ritual to get a particularly colorful foal. This statement shows that there have always been markings and variations in the spotted Palouse horses, from slightly spotted roans to very colorful animals. When describing the relative worth of a Palouse horse to other horses in a language that was understood by all, the Indian said, "A Palouse Horse - A wagonload of other horses" (The Western Horseman, March 1954).
If one examines the ancestry of the Foundation horses, one finds in this stock: 507 horses with the ancestry Unknown x Unknown, 52 horses in which one parent was a Quarter Horse, 196 horses with the ancestry Appaloosa x Unknown, 94 horses in which one The parent was a thoroughbred, 206 horses of which one parent was an Arab and 3 horses were given a foundation number, even though both parents were thoroughbred quarter horses. The offspring of these horses were taken back into the Foundation's stock and registered as Appaloosa x Appaloosa.
The International M'amin Horse Registry (IMHR) eV, based in Austria, is the only state-recognized breeding association that maintains a breeding register and the original studbook of the M'amin breed, which can be fully traced back to the original horse bloodlines of the Palouse Indians .
After this convincing statement, one must assume that the original Appaloosa was bred by the Palouse Indians and less by the Nez Perce. Since they were peoples of the same cultural area, there was certainly a lot of intermingling. Both with horses and with humans. Palouse Indians also helped the Nez Perce escape.

Palouse hill northeast of Walla Walla
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