Breed description

Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Breeding program
for the Appaloosa breed

desAppaloosaHorseClubGermanye.V. (ApHCG)

This breeding program regulates the breeding work for the Appaloosa breed

Breeding Association ApHCG.
The breeding program for the Appaloosa breed is on the ApHCG website
( published.

Changes to the breeding program will be published promptly on the ApHCG website.

Table of Contents

1. Information on the stud book of origin ............................................. .................................................. ... 4
2. Geographical area .............................................. .................................................. ....................... 4
3. Extent of the breeding population of the ApHCG ........................................... .............................................. 4
4. Aim of the breeding program and breeding objective ........................................... ................................................. 4
4.1 Aim of the breeding program .............................................. .................................................. ...... 4
4.2 Breeding goal for the Appaloosa breed ............................................ ............................................. 4
5. Properties and main features ............................................. .................................................. ... 4
6. Selection characteristics ............................................... .................................................. ......................... 7
6.1 Selection characteristics for stallions .............................................. .............................................. 7
6.2 Selection characteristics for mares, geldings and foals .......................................... ................. 7
6.3 Evaluation system and determination of results .............................................. ............................. 7
6.4 Evaluation of the breeding horses .............................................. .................................................. .... 7
7. Breeding method and approved breeds (refiners) ......................................... ................................. 8th
7.1 Breeding method ................................................ .................................................. ......................8th

7.2 Approved breeds (refiners) ............................................ ................................................. 8th
8. Subdivision of the studbook ............................................. .................................................. ............ 8th
8.1 Stud book classes for stallions .............................................. .................................................8th
8.2 Stud book classes for mares .............................................. .................................................. .. 8th
8.3 Stud book classes for geldings .............................................. ............................................... 9
9. Regulations for the entry into the stud book ............................................ ......................................... 9
9.1 Stud book for stallions .............................................. .................................................. .................... 9
9.1.1 Superior stallion book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... ................ 9
9.1.2 Performance stallion book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... ......... 9
9.1.3 Stallion book I (main section of the stud book) ........................................ ............................. 9
9.1.4 Stallion book II (main section of the stud book) ........................................ ............................ 9
9.1.5 Basic stallion book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... .................... 9
9.1.6 Designation stallion book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... ...... 10
9.1.7 Stallion book Z (main section of the stud book) ........................................ .......................... 10
9.1.8 Stallions foal book (main section of the stud book) ........................................ ............... 10
9.2 Stud book for mares .............................................. .................................................. .................... 10
9.2.1 Superior stud book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... ................... 10
9.2.2 Performance studbook (main section of the studbook) ....................................... ............ 10
9.2.3 Studbook I (main section of the studbook) ........................................ ................................ 10
9.2.4 Studbook II (main section of the studbook) ........................................ ............................... 10
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

9.2.5 Basic stud book (main section of the stud book) ....................................... ....................... 11

9.2.6 Determination studbook (main section of the studbook) ....................................... .......... 11

9.2.7 Studbook Z (main section of the studbook) ........................................ ............................... 11

9.2.8 Mares foal book (main section of the stud book) ........................................ .................. 11

9.3 Stud book for geldings .............................................. .................................................. ................ 11

9.3.1 Performance book (geldings) (main section of the stud book) ...................................... .... 11

9.3.2 Gelding book (main section of the stud book) ......................................... ........................... 11

9.3.3 Base book (geldings) (main section of the stud book) ...................................... ................ 11

10. Zootechnical certificates ............................................... .................................................. ............. 11

10.1 Animal breeding certificates as proof of parentage .............................................. ................ 12

10.1.1 Issuing a certificate of parentage ............................................ ........................... 12

10.1.2 Minimum information in the proof of parentage ............................................ ............................ 12

10.2 Zootechnical certificates as a birth certificate .............................................. .................. 12

10.2.1 Issue of a birth certificate ............................................ ................................. 12

10.2.2 Minimum information in the birth certificate ........................................... .......................... 12

10.3 Zootechnical certificate for breeding material .............................................. ..................................... 12

11. Selection events ............................................... .................................................. ............. 13
11.1 Licensing ................................................ .................................................. ...................................... 13

11.1.1 Admission to the licensing ............................................ .................................................. ............ 13
11.1.2 Breeding suitability certificate .............................................. ............................................ 13

11.1.3 Evaluation and determination of results ............................................ ........................................... 13

11.1.4 Approval decision .............................................. .................................................. .................. 13

11.1.5 Withdrawal and revocation of the licensing decision .......................................... ......................... 14

11.1.6 Objection to the licensing decision ........................................... .................................. 14

11.2 Breeding shows ................................................ .................................................. ........................... 14

11.3 Performance tests ................................................ .................................................. .................. 14

11.3.1 ApHCG field test ............................................ .................................................. ............. 14

11.3.2 Sports performance tests (western riding) ........................................... .................................. 14

11.3.3 Requirements for the personal performance test for entry in the stud book ....................... 14

12. Safeguarding identity / securing parentage ............................................. ...................................... 15

13. Use of reproduction techniques ............................................. .................................................. 15th

13.1 Basic provisions for the use of reproductive techniques .......................................... 15

13.2 Regulations for stallions used for insemination ............................................ .................. 15

13.3 Regulations for mares for embryo transfer ............................................ .......................... 15

14. Consideration of health characteristics and genetic defects or peculiarities ..... 15

15. Breeding value estimation ............................................... .................................................. ....................... 16

16. Authorized bodies .............................................. .................................................. .......................... 16

17. Further provisions .............................................. .................................................. .................... 16

17.1 Allocation of a life number (International Horse Life Number - Unique Equine Lifenumber
-UELN) ............................................... .................................................. ............................................. 16

17.2 Allocation of a name when entering in the stud book ........................................ ...... 16

17.3 Identification by means of a transponder .............................................. ...................................... 17

17.4 Regulations for mating single-colored horses ........................................... ........... 17

17.5 Minimum contents of the cover lists and cover slips ............................................ ........... 17

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

17.6 Minimum content of the foal report .............................................. ........................................ 17
Appendix - Principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed ......................................... ........................... 18
Appendix - List of genetic defects and peculiarities ........................................... ................... 19
Annex - List of health-impairing features ............................................ .................. 20
Appendix - Veterinary breeding suitability certificate .............................................. ........................ 21
Annex - breeding support programs of the ApHCG ............................................. ......................................... 23

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

1. Information on the stud book of origin
(1) The Appaloosa Horse Club eV (hereinafter referred to as ApHCG), Am Sohl 29, 38154 Königslutter is the
Organization that, in accordance with the requirements of the EU, has created the studbook on the origin of the Appaloosa breed in
Europe leads.
(2) The ApHCG provides, based on the information provided by the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC), 570 HWY.8 West, Moscow, ID
83843, USA established principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed outside Europe, the principles
for the breeding of the Appaloosa breed in Europe.
The provisions of the currently valid "Official Handbook of the ApHC" apply. Provided that those specified there
Regulations are not compatible with EU law, the ApHCG will contain corresponding regulations in
meet the principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed in Europe.
(3) The principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed in Europe are leading breeding associations for branch studbooks
binding in Europe when creating the breeding program.
The currently valid version of the principles is published on the ApHCG website
Branch studbook leading breeding associations will be timely about changes in the principles for breeding
of the Appaloosa breed in Europe by publishing the principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed
on the above website of the ApHCG.
2. Geographical area
The geographical area in which the ApHCG carries out the breeding program includes the territory of the Federal Republic

3. Size of the breeding population of the ApHCG
The size of the population is (as of 01/01/2019):

404 (active breeding) mares
84 (active breeding) stallions
4. Objective of the breeding program and breeding objective
4.1 Objective of the breeding program
(1) The breeding program for the Appaloosa breed has made breeding progress towards the defined breeding goal
and thus the aim of improving the characteristics of the breed.
(2) It comprises all measures and activities that serve this goal. This includes in particular the
Assessment of the horses registered in the stud book, the implementation of performance tests and the
Breeding value estimation from the information of the examination system of the ApHCG, other associations or state
Positions as well as the breeding strategies conceived from them.
4.2 Breeding goal for the Appaloosa breed
(1) The Appaloosa is a versatile horse, which is equally suitable for leisure use and for
Western tournament sport is suitable.
In addition to the correct, breed-typical expression of the body shape and the correct, breed-typical movements
the Appaloosa should have a hard constitution, endurance, health and frugality. Special
Value is placed on a flawless character and benign temperament.
(2) Purebred Appaloosa is understood to mean all duly entered into the main section of a stud book of
Breed of a recognized breeding association registered horses.
5. Properties and main features
Appaloosa breed
Origin North America

Size A height at the withers (stick measure) between 142-165 cm is aimed for.

Colors all basic colors described below, no albinos and plate checks

Outer appearance (building) harmonious physique in a short rectangular format with a long, sloping one
Shoulder; a not too long, strong back with a good loin connection;
a long, sloping croup; a well-defined, not too
high withers that reach far into the back; one that fits the horse
Chest width and depth as well as strong muscles, in particular
the hindquarters.

a) head short, wedge-shaped, small firm mouth, strong ganas with high ganache freedom,
straight nose line, broad forehead, large, friendly eyes, small
finely shaped ears
b) the neck should show a slight curve of the topline; easily on the neck with one
neck base not too high / too deep; long enough with good mobility
and a smooth transition into the withers
c) Foundation a dry foundation suitable for the physique with correct, well laid out
and sturdy joints, short tubes, and well-angled pasterns
hard hooves that match the size of the horse
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Movement sequence, smooth, rhythmic movements with a good spatial grasp. The sequence of movements
should let go with a swinging back, clear phases of footing and
There are floating phases recognizable in trot and canter. The one from an active
Hindquarters developed thrust should be relaxed on the free shoulder
anticipatory shoulder be transferred.
The head should be carried in a position that corresponds to the exterior of the horse
which is natural for the horse in all basic gaits.

Basic gaits

a) Walk is a natural, flat footed four-beat gait.
The horse must move straight and correctly. The horse is moving
alert and alert, it has a stride to match its exterior
b) Trot (jog) is a soft, expansive two-beat gait.
The horse stands diagonally with a short suspension phase. The horse moves
completely even and balanced, with noticeable forward movement.
Show horses that trot in front and walk behind
not the required pace. If the reinforced trot is required, must
the trot remain unchanged and soft.
c) Gallop (Lope) is a jumpy, rhythmic gait in three beats.
The horses must gallop to the left on the left hand and on the right
Hand galloping to the right. Horses that walk in four-stroke do not meet that
Conditions. The horses should have a natural gallop length
show and move relaxed and smooth. The pace should be the natural
The horse's motion sequence must be appropriate.
Rideability a horse willingly standing at the aids, which the rider with a swinging
Takes your back with you in one smooth movement. The horse moves in
a free forward movement with good underrun. Help the rider should
can be implemented without any apparent resistance.
Interior a benign and friendly being, a relaxed and balanced one
Temperament and strong nerves. The Appaloosa is said to be high learning and
Show commitment.
Difficult, nervous and fierce horses are undesirable in handling.

characteristic breed features

a) a pupil outlined in white (human eye)
b) vertically striped hooves
c) fur pattern
d) mottled skin
There where no fur covers the skin, such as on the mouth and genital area, is the pinkish-black
Skin staining is a characteristic. This spot on the skin is not the same as the spot on the fur.
White hair can grow on pink as well as black skin. With spiky-haired Appaloosas
Often, similar to a shadow drawing, dark fur hairs appear, e.g. on the hip bones,
at the elbow or in the knee area. This, too, is unmistakable for the Appaloosa

To describe the coat pattern, six different coat patterns are used as categories to which
the respective horse is then assigned.

a) Blanket
This pattern describes a horse that has a white that is clearly separated from the basic color and rich in contrast
Has "blanket" over the croup. However, this blanket does not have to be limited to the croup
(e.g. white above the hip).
b) spots
This term defines white or dark spots (e.g. spots above the hips and loins).
c) Roan
Roan is not a color, but individual white hairs between the others, including individual parts of them
Coloring can show up.
d) Roan Blanket
A blanket that is not white, but has sticky hair. (e.g. Roan over the hip).
e) Roan Blanket with Spots
In addition to the sticky-haired blanket, spots appear (e.g. roan with spots over the hips and loins).
f) Solid
A monochromatic horse of any basic color.
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Basic colors of the Appaloosa

a) Bay
This color covers all lighter and reddish brown tones, with the mane, tail and lower leg regions
are black.
b) Black
Black is the name given to black horses without any lighter shades of black
Mane and tail.
c) Dark Bay or Brown
This is how dark- or black-brown horses are named, which surround their nostrils, eyes, shoulders, lower abdomen,
Flanks and insides of the legs (at knee height) can have lighter areas. Mane, tail and legs
are black. Horses with brown mane and tail hair can also fall under the color brown
to have. These have only a few bright spots, mostly only on the head.
d) Chestnut or Sorrel
The fox color ranges from golden to copper to dark "liver color". Mane and tail
can either be the same color as the fur or go up to flax-colored. In rare
In cases, a very light chestnut with a flax-colored mane can be mistaken for a palomino
e) Buckskin
The body color is yellowish or golden with the mane and tail as well as the legs in the lower area
are black. A buckskin can have an eel line, but not "zebra stripes" on its legs.
f) Palomino
The color of the palomino is often described as 22-karat gold. Generally the coat color is shiny
golden yellow. Mane and tail are always lighter than the coat color, often almost white, "apple-mold-like"
Spots are not considered to be Appaloosa spotting.
g) Blue Roan
In the Blue Roan, white hairs in the fur mix with the black basic color. Mane and tail
can be black, but also gray. Typical for the Appaloosa Roans is the stronger lightening on
the forehead and facial bones, a roan usually becomes lighter with age.
h) Bay Roan
In the Bay Roan, the brown basic color is mixed with white burin hair in the fur, mane and tail
can be black, but also gray. Typical for the Appaloosa Roans is the stronger lightening on
the forehead and facial bones, a roan usually becomes lighter with age.
i) Red Roan
This color is created by a mixture of the basic color Sorrel with white graver hair. In the Red Roan
Sorrel / chestnut-colored and white hair mix. The head and legs usually appear monochrome,
The mane and tail correspond to the basic color, but can also have white hair
be streaked.
j) Dun
As with the Buckskin, the body color is yellowish to golden, but can also be a dull copper tone.
The dun always has an eel line (where there are no white markings) and can "crosswalk" on the
Have legs. The mane and tail hair is brown, reddish, yellow or a mixture of all of them
three colours.
k) Gray
The coat color gray is a mixture of white and black hair with a dark background. Nearly
all horses of this color are born very dark and develop mainly over the years - at the beginning
around the eyes and ears - more and more "white" in the fur. An older horse can then even
be confused with a white.
l) White
The coat color is snow white with a pink or slightly pigmented background. Appaloosa, the one white
Basic color with dark spots (distinctive, mostly circular or oval spots) are im
Commonly known as "Leopard", but in the pedigree it says "White with Spots". mane
and tail are always white without dark streaks, unless these result from a spot close by
the mane.
m) Grullo
This color is often referred to as smoke, mouse, or dove gray and does not result from any
Mixture of dark and white hair. Every single hair has the corresponding color.
The mane and tail as well as the lower legs are black, Grullos always have an eel line and
sometimes zebra crossing.
n) Cremello or Perlino
Cremellos have pink skin, blue eyes, and ivory hair.
Perlinos also have pink skin, blue eyes and ivory-colored hangings, with mane
and tail hair is darker than the body color.
Cremellos and perlinos do not have an eel line.
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

6. Selection characteristics
(1) On collective or individual appointments in accordance with B.15 of the statutes of the ApHCG, the assessment
for entry in a class of the stud book (except foal, base, determination books, stallion book
Z, Studbook Z) the following selection characteristics of the external appearance with special consideration
of the sequence of movements described linearly (performance test exterior).
The individual selection features are summarized in feature complexes a) to h).
a) Condition
Forage condition / BCS, development
b) type
Overall impression, breed type, gender type, format, frame, muscles
c) buildings
Head / head shape, gap in the mouth, neck, ganache, neck base, neck shape, neck length ratio,
Characterization at the withers, position at the withers, shoulder length and angle, chest depth and width, back, back line,
Midsection, loin, croup length and angle, tail base
d) foundation
Expression, elbow, forearm, cannon bone length, balance KG / SpG, ankle (length and angle
front and back), hooves (size and position), expression of the carpal joints, expression
the hocks
e) Position error in front
toe-wide / toe-tight, floor-wide / floor-tight, pre-bend / re-bend,
f) Rear positioning error
Toe-wide / toe-tight, floor-wide / floor-tight, backward / saber-legged, cowhocked / barrel-legged
g) Correctness of the sequence of movements
Limb guidance, tact, coordination
h) Quality of the sequence of movements
Suppleness, serenity, activity / thrust, stepping under / leaving, balance, transitions, step
(Elasticity and space), trot (elasticity, space and thrust), canter (elasticity, space and
Load bearing)
The following measured values are recorded as part of the evaluation of the selection characteristics:

Height at the withers and
Cannon bone circumference
(2) In addition, further characteristics are selected:
Riding facility
6.1 Selection characteristics for stallions
As part of the licensing, stallions are selected for all of the above selection characteristics of the individual characteristic complexes
described linearly.

6.2 Selection criteria for mares, geldings and foals
In the breeding show evaluation, mares, geldings and foals are classified in the above-mentioned selection characteristics
of the individual feature complexes described linearly. The linear description is excluded
of the gallop.

6.3 Evaluation system and determination of results
(1) The evaluation of the selection characteristics takes place in the context of the stud book entry and foal evaluation
according to the system of linear description.
(2) The linear description of the individual selection features is carried out using a seven-level numerical
Scale (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3). Some features are so-called "deficiency features" which are based on a four-stage
Scale (0, -1, -2, -3). Detailed information on the system of linear description
can be viewed on the ApHCG homepage (
(3) The description of the individual selection characteristics is given for all horses in the closed stand as well as in the
Walk and trot on the triangular track, for stallions also at a gallop while lunging on both hands.
For the entry of adult horses, a plaster sample is placed on a flat surface with a straight line in the crotch
and made at a trot. Lame horses are put on hold from the evaluation.
(4) After the selection criteria have been recorded using the linear description, the result is in the form of a
Information sheet with the linear recorded selection characteristics for each horse and the owner /
Given to breeder.
6.4 Evaluation of the breeding horses
(1) An evaluation of the breeding horses is carried out as a classification in performance groups on the basis of the linear described
Selection characteristics.
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

(2) The following performance groups are defined for the classification:
a) LG I outstanding breeding horses
with a lot of type, harmonious exterior without defects, correct legs and movements
as well as above-average quality of movement
b) LG II above-average breeding horses
with good type, harmonious exterior without clear defects, feet & legs without clear positional errors
as well as very good and correct movements
c) LG III average breeding horses
which in type, conformation, feet and legs and movement are essentially the ones described in the breeding goal
Meet breed standards
d) LG IV below average breeding horses
with deficiencies in type or conformation, clear foundation problems and / or below average
Quality of movement
7. Breeding method and approved breeds (refiners)
7.1 Breeding method
(1) The breeding goal defined under 4.2 of this breeding program is always based on the pure breeding method
sought through refinement and selection.
(2) The studbook for the Appaloosa breed is closed.
7.2 approved breeds (refiners)
(1) The selection is carried out in an open breeding population, ie the acceptance of stallions and
Mares of other breeds are possible. The following breeds are permitted for refinement:
a) American Quarter Horse
b) Arabian thoroughbred
c) English whole blood
(2) Stallions and mares who are registered in the main section of the stud book of their breed (except foal books)
of a recognized breeding association (COM 69/78 / EG) and in the breeding book for Appaloosa
of the ApHCG are registered. For entry in the class for approved breeds of the stud book of
Appaloosa breed of the ApHCG must be proof of entry in the main section of the stud book
of one's own breed (except foal books) from a recognized breeding association.
(3) Mating of approved breeds with one another (e.g. Arabic whole blood x English whole blood) and with each other
(e.g. Arabian thoroughbred x Arabian thoroughbred) are part of the breeding program for Appaloosa
not permitted. Offspring from such matings do not receive a zootechnical certificate for the breed
Appaloosa and cannot be entered in the stud book for the Appaloosa breed.
8. Subdivision of the stud book
(1) The stud book for the Appaloosa breed consists of the main section and is sorted according to stallions, mares and
Geldings kept separately.
(2) For geldings as well as stallions and mares of the approved breeds are recorded in the main section of the stud book
separate classes.
(3) Horses that are entered in the ApHCG's stud book (except foal books) take part in the breeding program
8.1 Stud book classes for stallions
The main stallion division is divided into the following classes:

Superior stallion book
Performance stallion book
Stallion Book I
Stallion Book II
Basic stallion book
Determination stallion book
Stallion book Z
Foal book stallions
8.2 Stud book classes for mares
The main mares division is divided into the following classes:

Superior studbook
Performance studbook
Studbook I
Studbook II
Basic studbook
Determination studbook
Studbook Z
Foal book mares
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

8.3 Breeding book classes for Wallache
The main mares division is divided into the following classes:

Performance book
Gelding book
Base book
9. Regulations for the stud book entry
(1) The provisions under B.7 of the Articles of Association of the ApHCG are basic requirements for registration
in the stud book for the Appaloosa breed of the ApHCG.
(2) According to B.7 of the statutes of the ApHCG, stallions, mares and geldings are only entered in the stud book
if they are clearly identified and they meet the additional registration requirements listed below
(3) A horse from another stud book of the breed of a recognized breeding association must be in the class of
Studbook, whose criteria it meets.
(4) The entry in a class of the herd book is noted on the animal breeding certificate.
9.1 Studbook for stallions

9.1.1Superior stallion book (main section of the stud book)
(1) Four-year-old and older stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) who meet the registration requirements for Stallion Book I,
b) who have a minimum of 10 offspring. Of the registered offspring, at least
50% received an evaluation in LG I or II at breeding shows or an individual performance test
Passed according to 11.3.1 of this breeding program or according to 11.3.2 of this breeding program
have provided the relevant evidence.
(2) Decides on the recognition of equivalent performances for entry in the Superior Stallion Book
the breed advisory board.
9.1.2Performance stallion book (main section of the stud book)
(1) Four-year-old and older stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) who meet the registration requirements for Stallion Book I,
b) who passed a personal performance test according to 11.3.1 of this breeding program or according to
11.3.2 of this breeding program have provided the relevant evidence
(2) Decides on the recognition of equivalent performances for entry in the performance stallion book
the breed advisory board.
9.1.3 Stallion Book I (main section of the stud book)
(1) Three-year-old and older stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
b) who received the predicate "approved" at the licensing. The licensing result from other state-recognized
Breeding associations will be recognized if this licensing takes place under comparable conditions
was carried out.
c) for which the result of a parentage check using DNA typing is available,
d) for which negative (N / N) genetic tests for the genetic defects according to Appendix 2 are available,
e) for which there is a certificate of breeding suitability confirmed by a specialist veterinarian in accordance with Appendix 4
and which have no health-impairing characteristics according to Appendix 3,
(2) Unapproved stallions that meet the requirements of Paragraph (1) a), c), d) and e) can apply
be entered in the stallion book I by decision of the Breed Advisory Board if they have one
above-average breeding value and above-average progeny performance according to 11.3.3
this breeding program. About the fulfillment of the requirement regarding the above-average
The breed advisory board decides the breeding value according to the current point in time
present breeding value estimation (min. 5% above the average value).
9.1.4 Stallion Book II (main section of the stud book)
Three-year-old and older stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
b) which were described linearly on a breed show of the ApHCG with regard to the selection characteristics,
c) for which the result of a parentage check using DNA typing is available,
d) for the genetic tests for genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
e) that have no health-impairing characteristics according to Annex 3,
9.1.5 Basic stallion book (main section of the stud book)
Stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) who do not meet the registration requirements for the above classes for stallions,
b) whose parents are entered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
c) for which a DNA typing is available,
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

d) for the genetic tests for genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
e) that have no health-impairing characteristics according to Annex 3,
9.1.6Determination stallion book (main section of the stud book)
(1) Stallions of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
who do not meet the registration requirements for the basic stallion book.
(2) Stallions registered in the stallion foal book are entered automatically if
descendants of them are registered.
9.1.7 Stallion book Z (main section of the stud book)
(1) Stallions of the approved breeds are registered,
a) those recognized in the main section of the stud book of one's own breed (except foal books)
Breeding association are registered,
b) that are free from defects that affect breeding suitability and that are not harmful to health
Have features according to Annex 3,
c) for which a DNA typing is available,
d) for the genetic tests for breed-specific genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominant
inherited genetic defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be the
Proof to be negative (N / N),
e) who are not albino and have no record check.
(2) These stallions are marked “ZH” in the stud book.
9.1.8 Foal book stallions (main section of the stud book)
In the year of birth, all colts of the Appaloosa breed bred in the ApHCG will automatically open
Registered basis of the foaling report,

whose parents are recognized in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG or another
Breeding association are registered.
9.2 Stud book for mares

9.2.1Superior stud book (main section of the stud book)
(1) Four-year-old and older mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) who meet the registration requirements for Studbook I,
b) who have a minimum of 3 offspring. Of the registered offspring, at least
50% received an evaluation in LG I or II at breeding shows or an individual performance test
Passed according to 11.3.1 of this breeding program or according to 11.3.2 of this breeding program
have proven.
(2) The decision on the recognition of equivalent performances for entry in the superior stud book is made by the
Breed Advisory Board.
9.2.2Performance stud book (main section of the stud book)
(1) Four-year-old and older mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) who meet the registration requirements for Studbook I,
b) who passed a personal performance test according to 11.3.1 of this breeding program or according to
11.3.2 have demonstrated this breeding program.
(2) Decide on the recognition of equivalent performances for entry in the performance stud book
the breed advisory board.
9.2.3 Studbook I (main section of the studbook)
(1) Three-year-old and older mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
b) which were described linearly at a breeding show and the classification according to 6.5 of this breeding program
have received in performance group I or II,
c) for which the result of a parentage check using DNA typing is available,
d) for which negative (N / N) genetic tests for the genetic defects according to Appendix 2 are available,
e) that have no health-impairing characteristics according to Annex 3.
(2) Mares, which meet the requirements according to paragraph (1) a), c), d) and e), can on application
The decision of the Breed Advisory Board should be entered in the Stud Book I if it is above average
Breeding value and an above-average personal contribution according to 11.3.1 or 11.3.2 of this breeding program
can prove. About the fulfillment of the requirement regarding the above-average
The breed advisory board decides on the breeding value according to the current point in time
Breeding value estimation (min. 5% above the average value).
9.2.4 Studbook II (main section of the studbook)
Three-year-old and older mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
b) which were described linearly on a breed show of the ApHCG with regard to the selection characteristics,
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c) for which the result of a parentage check using DNA typing is available,
d) for the genetic tests for genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
e) that have no health-impairing characteristics according to Annex 3.
9.2.5 Basic stud book (main section of the stud book)
Mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) who do not meet the registration requirements of the above classes for mares,
b) whose parents are entered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
c) for which a DNA typing is available,
d) for the genetic tests for genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
e) that have no health-impairing characteristics according to Annex 3,
9.2.6Determination studbook (main section of the studbook)
(1) Mares of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
who do not meet the registration requirements of the basic studbook.
(2) The entry of mares registered in the foal book of mares takes place automatically if by
their descendants are registered.
9.2.7 StudbookZ (main section of the studbook)
(1) Mares of the approved breeds are registered,
a) those recognized in the main section of the stud book of one's own breed (except foal books)
Breeding association are registered,
b) for which a DNA typing is available,
c) for the genetic tests for breed-specific genetic defects in accordance with Appendix 2 are available. For dominant
inherited genetic defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be the
Evidence to be negative (N / N).
d) which are free from defects which affect the suitability for breeding and which are not harmful to health
Have features according to Annex 3,
e) who are not albino and have no record check.
(2) These mares are marked “ZS” in the stud book.
9.2.8 Foal book mares (main section of the stud book)
In the year of birth, all fillies of the Appaloosa breed bred in the ApHCG are automatically raised
Registered basis of the foaling report,

their parents in the main section of the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG or
of another recognized breeding association.
9.3 Stud book for Wallache

9.3.1Performance book (geldings) (main section of the stud book)
(1) Four-year-old geldings of the Appaloosa breed are registered,
a) who meet the registration requirements for the land register (geldings),
b) who passed a personal performance test according to 11.3.1 of this breeding program or according to
11.3.2 have demonstrated this breeding program.
(2) Decides on the recognition of equivalent performances for entry in the performance book (geldings)
the breed advisory board.
9.3.2 Wallach Book (main section of the stud book)
Three-year-old and older geldings of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG,
b) which were described linearly at a breed show of the ApHCG,
9.3.3 Base book (geldings) (main section of the stud book)
Geldings of the Appaloosa breed are registered,

a) who do not meet the registration requirements of the above classes for geldings,
b) whose parents are registered in the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG.
10. Zootechnical certificates
(1) Zootechnical certificates for foals are issued by the ApHCG in accordance with the basic provisions under B.8.1 of
Statutes of the ApHCG issued as part of the equine passport.
(2) An animal breeding certificate can be issued as proof of parentage or a certificate of birth.
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10.1 Animal breeding certificates as proof of parentage

10.1.1 Issuing a pedigree certificate
(1) A zootechnical certificate is issued as proof of parentage in unison with the
Equidenpass if the following requirements are met:
The parents are in the main department in the year of mating or at the latest in the year of the foal's birth
of the stud book of the breed (except foal books) of the ApHCG.
The breeding certificate and the foaling report were submitted on time in accordance with B.12.3 and B.12.4 of the Articles of Association of
ApHCG submitted.
The foal was identified (on the mother's foot or by checking the parentage)
by the breeding director or his representative.
(2) If the above conditions of the 2nd and / or 3rd point are not met, then the identity is by means of
to prove a parentage check.
(3) The breeder or owner of the horse is responsible for ensuring that everything is in the animal breeding certificate
specified data are correct. Deviations or inaccuracies are to be reported immediately to the ApHCG
Report to. In addition, the breeder or owner is obliged to have the equine passport including the animal breeding certificate
to be kept carefully, as, among other things, only a later entry of the horse in the stud book
can be made if a valid zootechnical certificate is presented.
10.1.2 Minimum information in the proof of parentage
(1) Animal breeding certificates as proof of parentage contain the information in accordance with Art. 30 in connection with m. Annex V,
Part 2 Chapter I of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 specified minimum content.
(2) In addition, the following information is entered in the zootechnical certificate as proof of parentage:
Result of the licensing and breeding shows
10.2 Animal breeding certificates as birth certificates

10.2.1 Issuing a birth certificate
(1) A zootechnical certificate is issued as a birth certificate in unity with the
Equidenpass, if the conditions for issuing a pedigree certificate are met, however
the following restrictions apply:
Foals whose father or mother is not homozygous with regard to genetic defects relevant to suffering
are free (N / N), or whose genetic status is not clearly established by the parents, must be tested themselves
Foals with homozygous (male / female) genetic defects receive the zootechnical certificate as
Birth certificate with the note “not according to the rules of the ApHCG statutes with regard to
Combat genetic defects relevant to suffering are bred ”.
Horses sired using non-approved reproductive techniques in accordance with 13 of this breeding program
received an animal breeding certificate as a birth certificate.
10.2.2 Minimum information in the birth certificate
Animal breeding certificates as birth certificates must contain the same information as the animal breeding certificates
as proof of parentage, provided this information is available.

10.3 Animal breeding certificate for breeding material

(1) The zootechnical certificates for semen, egg cells and embryos are issued in accordance with B.9 of the statutes.
(2) Should breeding material be traded or the offspring produced from breeding material in a stud book of a
Zuchtverband must be registered for this breeding material or for those produced from the breeding material
Offspring must carry the zootechnical certificate issued for this breeding material.
(3) The zootechnical certificates for semen, egg cells and embryos contain those according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1012
required minimum content. The zootechnical certificates must be in accordance with the models in Appendix III, Section
BD of DVO (EU) 2017/717 are issued.
(4) Breeding material must be accompanied by an animal breeding certificate
Delivery to other EU member states / contracting states / third countries,
Sale to other breeding material companies within Germany,
Delivery of embryos to animal owners,
Selling semen to animal owners if requested by them.
(5) Zootechnical certificates for semen and egg cells consist of two sections (section A and B) which are for
Embryos from four sections (section A, B, C and D).
a) Section A of the zootechnical certificates for semen and egg cells or sections A and B of the zootechnical certificates
for embryos with details of the donor animal (s) of the breeding material
is issued by the association in accordance with Annex V Part 1 and Part 2 Chapter I of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012.
b) Section B of the zootechnical certificates for semen and egg cells with the information
the semen is supplemented by the insemination station according to the specifications in Annex V Part 2 Chapter II of
VO (EU) 2016/1012
The ET facility complements the egg cells in accordance with the specifications in Annex V Part 2 Chapter III of the
VO (EU) 2016/1012.
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c) Section C with the details of the embryos and Section D with the details of the recipient animal
of zootechnical certificates for embryos is supplemented by the ET facility in accordance with the specifications in the appendix
V Part 2 Chapter IV of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012.
(6) According to the specifications in Appendix V, Part 2, Chap. II, III and IV of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 are in the animal breeding certificates
for breeding material for the animals from which this breeding material originates, in addition to the general ones
to provide the following breed-specific information to the required content:
a) Zootechnical certificates for semen
Results of the stallion's performance test
current results of the breeding value estimation for the stallion (if available)
Examination results regarding genetic defects and special features of the stallion according to
Annex 2
b) Zootechnical certificates for egg cells
Results of the performance test of the donor mare
Current results of the breeding value estimation for the donor mare (if available)
Examination results regarding genetic defects and peculiarities of the donor mare
according to Appendix 2
c) Zootechnical certificate for embryos
Results of the performance tests of both genetic parents
current results of the breeding value estimation of both genetic parents (if available)
Examination results regarding genetic defects and peculiarities of both genetic ones
Parents according to Appendix 2
11. Selection events
11.1 Approval

In principle, the provisions of B.15 apply. and in particular according to B.15.1 of the statutes of the ApHCG.

11.1.1 Approval for licensing
(1) Registration for the licensing takes place in writing at the ApHCG.
(2) The minimum age of a stallion for licensing is three years.
(3) The fees set by the ApHCG for the licensing according to the current fee schedule are
to be paid by the stallion owner.
(4) Stallions are only allowed to be licensed if
a) their ancestry has been proven over at least three generations and is recorded in the stud book
the breed of a recognized breeding association is listed,
b) the identity of the stallion has been checked on the basis of the equine passport including the zootechnical certificate,
c) they have a marking (transponder) in accordance with animal breeding law.
11.1.2 Breeding suitability certificate
(1) When registering for the licensing, the owner of a stallion has to give the ApHCG a specialist veterinarian
Present the breeding suitability certificate issued for horses in accordance with Appendix 4, which shows the breeding suitability
of the stallion confirmed.
(2) At the time of registration for the licensing, the negative (N / N) results of the genetic tests must be related to the
genetic defects according to Appendix 2 exist. Both parents will have negative test results
recognized as equivalent.
(3) When registering for the licensing, a DNA typing of the stallion and a pedigree check must be carried out
be submitted.
11.1.3 Evaluation and determination of results
The evaluation of the stallions in the context of the licensing as well as the determination of the results takes place according to the regulations
according to 6.4 and 6.5 of this breeding program.

11.1.4 Approval decision
(1) The licensing decision can be:
not approved or
temporarily not licensed
(2) The licensing decision is to be made public at the licensing event and to the stallion owner
to be communicated in writing.
(3) The decision “licensed” is entered in the equine passport including the animal breeding certificate.
(4) For the licensing decision “licensed” must be
a classification in performance level I or II according to 6.5. this breeding program has taken place,
the stallion meets the health requirements according to Appendix 2 and 3,
a positive certificate of suitability for breeding from a specialist veterinarian for horses in accordance with Appendix 4 is available.
(5) The licensing decision is "temporarily not licensed" if the stallion meets the requirements with regard to the
Selection features of the external appearance with special consideration of the sequence of movements
(Exterior performance test) and / or suitability for breeding and health are not met if
however, it is to be expected that he will fulfill them in the future. A deadline can be set with the licensing decision
until the end of which the stallion can be presented again for the licensing.
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(6) The licensing decision is “not licensed” if the stallion meets the requirements with regard to the selection characteristics
the external appearance with special consideration of the movement sequence (performance test
Conformation) and / or suitability for breeding and / or health.
(7) Licensing results from other recognized breeding associations will be adopted (recognition), provided that the requirements are met
this breeding program for the Appaloosa breed was observed.
11.1.5 Withdrawal and revocation of the licensing decision
(1) The licensing is to be withdrawn if at least one prerequisite for its issuance has not been met
(2) The licensing is to be revoked if at least one of the requirements is no longer applicable
or if the licensing was accompanied by a condition and the stallion owner did not do so or not in due time
has met.
11.1.6 Objection to the licensing decision
(1) The owner of a stallion can object to the licensing decision at the office of the
Insert ApHCG. The objection must be submitted in writing and justified.
(2) With the filing of an objection, a fee specified in the fee schedule must be paid. The
The objection period is two weeks after notification of the licensing decision.
(3) A committee made up of the first chairman, the breeding director and a representative, decides on the objection
of the Breeding Committee and a representative of the Breed Advisory Board.
(4) If the objection is accepted, a new licensing committee is to be appointed which, with the exception of the breeding director,
new members must belong. The committee decides on the place and date of the re-presentation
of the stallion.
11.2 Breeding shows

(1) Breeding shows in the sense of this breeding program are collective and individual events.
(2) In principle, the provisions of B.15 apply. and in particular in accordance with B.15.2 of the Articles of Association of
(3) The minimum age for the assessment in the context of a stud book entry is three years.
(4) For the evaluation of the selection characteristics (performance test exterior) in the context of the entry in the stallion
book II, stud book I and II as well as gelding book, only stallions, mares and geldings are admitted
Ancestry has been proven over at least three generations and is recorded in the breed register (except
Foal books) of a recognized breeding association.
(5) The conditions for the participation and implementation of breed shows are in a separate breed show regulations
(6) The evaluation of the mares and geldings in the context of the entry in the stud book and the determination of the results
takes place according to the provisions of 6.4 and 6.5 of this breeding program.
11.3 Performance tests

(1) Performance tests are carried out for stallions, mares and geldings. The aim is to have one as possible
to subject large numbers of breeding horses and their offspring to a performance test.
(2) According to B.16 of the statutes of the ApHCG, the following forms of performance tests are required for horses of the Appaloosa breed
ApHCG field test
Sports performance tests (western riding)
(3) The results of comparable performance tests of other breeding associations or organizations are recognized.
11.3.1ApHCG field test
(1) The ApHCG field tests for stallions (HLP), mares (SLP) and geldings (WLP) are performance tests in
Of the Animal Breeding Act and are carried out as a test in the field. Relevant for the evaluation of the
Performance test is the suitability as a breeding horse with a view to improving the riding characteristics of the
(2) The provisions for the ApHCG field test can be found on the ApHCG homepage (
can be read.
11.3.2 Sports performance tests (western riding)
Recognized sports performance tests can be carried out in the disciplines according to B.16.1 Paragraph 4 of the ApHCG
completed and proven by the associations / organizations named under B.16.2 of the statutes of the ApHCG
The provisions for the recognition of a horse's own performance in sport tests can be based on
on the ApHCG homepage (

11.3.3 Requirement for the personal performance test for entry in the stud book
I. Entry in the performance stallion or Studbook as well as in Studbook I.
The requirements regarding the internal performance test are met if during a performance test

according to 11.3.1. this breeding program achieved at least an overall grade of 7.5
the successes in sport performance tests (western riding) prescribed according to 11.3.2 of this breeding program
be detected.
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II. Entry in the stallion book I
Stallions of the Appaloosa breed that have not yet been licensed can under the condition in Stallion Book I
be entered if their offspring passed an above-average personal performance test (offspring performance)
be able to show.
Above-average offspring performance is recognized if at least 3 offspring have one
Performance test

according to 11.3.1. have completed this breeding program with an overall grade of at least 7.5
according to 11.3.2 of this breeding program with the respectively required minimum requirements.
12. Identity / Parental Control

The identity and parentage protection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of B.11 of the statutes of the ApHCG.

13. Use of reproduction techniques

13.1 Basic provisions for the use of reproduction techniques
(1) The following reproduction techniques are permitted within the framework of the breeding program for the Appaloosa breed.
artificial insemination (extraction and use of fresh, chilled or frozen semen)
Embryo transfer
(2) Horses that have been conceived using non-approved reproduction techniques can only be entered in the foal books
of the breed's studbook. You cannot go into any other class of the stud book
advance in the breed and do not participate in the breeding program for the Appaloosa breed.
13.2 Regulations for stallions in insemination use
Stallions that are used for the collection of semen for the purpose of artificial insemination must
meet the following requirements:

they are at least in the main section of the stud book of the (approved) breed (except foal books)
their breeding value (if available) is at least 5% above the mean value of the population. The security must
be at least 30%,
genetic tests for genetic defects according to Appendix 2 are available for them. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
13.3 Regulations for mares for embryo transfer
Mares that are used as donor mares for embryo transfer must meet the following requirements

they are at least in the main section of the stud book of the (approved) breed (except foal books)
their breeding value (if available) is at least 5% above the mean value of the population. The security
must be at least 30%,
genetic tests for genetic defects according to Appendix 2 are available for them. For dominantly inherited genetic
Defects according to 14 and Appendix 2 of this breeding program must be proven negative (N / N)
14. Consideration of health characteristics as well as weighing defects or special features
(1) Stallions and mares are only eligible for registration in the studbook for Appaloosa if they comply with the registration requirements
have no health-impairing characteristics (Appendix 3).
(2) The ApHCG can carry out genetic tests at any time to detect genetic defects (hereditary defects) relevant to the disease
order and, if necessary, issue mating conditions that the further breeding use of stallions and
Limit or exclude mares. The owner of the horse concerned has to tolerate the investigation
and support. The owner bears the costs of the analysis.
(3) Horses that are carriers of known genetic defects relevant to the Appaloosa with a proven dominant
Inheritance (PSSM type 1, HYPP, EMH) are excluded from breeding in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act
and cannot participate in any breeding program of the ApHCG.
(4) If a dominant genetic defect is discovered later, the entry for this horse is received
a note in the stud book and in the public stallion or mare distribution plan that this horse is a carrier
and cannot participate in any breeding program of the ApHCG.
(5) Offspring, carriers of a genetic defect relevant to the Appaloosa breed according to the appendix
2 receive an equine passport including an animal breeding certificate with an insert in yellow.
(6) If the breed association has already received a negative test (N / N) for PSSM, HYPP and EMH from the parents, then
this proof is no longer required. All horses that were carriers of a dominant genetic before 01.05.2013
Defective goods are not recorded in the database with regard to their registration status in the stud book
changed more and have grandfathered.
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15. Breeding value estimation
(1) The breeding value estimation for the Appaloosa breed is carried out in accordance with the basic provisions under B.17 of the statutes
of the ApHCG.
(2) The breeding value is estimated for all horses used in the breeding program.
(3) The breeding value estimation is based on the selection characteristics named under section 6 of the breeding program
in the feature complexes type, building, foundation, positional errors, correctness of the sequence of movements
and quality of the motion sequence.
(4) The above-mentioned feature complexes are based on the heritabilities used below
and environmental effects are used for the breeding value estimation.
Characteristic heritability (h²) environmental effects
Type 0.14 gender
Building 0.25 gender
Foundation 0.15 place
Position error not yet known. Location
Correctness of the sequence of movements 0.57 place
Quality of the sequence of movements 0.46 place
16. Authorized bodies

Commissioned position activity
TG-Verlag Beuing GmbH
Liebigstrasse 43, 35392 Giessen
Phone: +49 641 97190950
Provision of IT
Platform for breeding bookkeeping
Breeding value estimation

17. Further provisions
17.1 Allocation of a life number (international life number horse -Unique Equine Lifenumber-
(1) The UELN is awarded in accordance with the basic provisions under B.10.3 of the statutes of the ApHCG.
(2) The UELN is coded for the Appaloosa breed using the following key:
a) The digits 1-3 (numeric)
relate to the country of origin or the country in which the horse was first
Registration the UELN was awarded. For horses registered in Germany, this is 276.
b) Digit 4 (numeric)
denotes with the number 3 horses, those before the year 2000 and with the number 4 horses, those from the year
Were born in 2000.
c) Positions 5-6 (numerical)
encode the breed association with which the horse is first registered / entered in the stud book
has been. For the ApHCG this is 79.
d) Digit 7 (alphanumeric)
characterizes the type of entry. Here stands
0 - for the registration of horses with regular characteristic breed features at the ApHC
N - for the entry "non-characteristic" at the ApHC
G - for the allocation of the registration number by the ApHCG
e) Digits 8-13 (numeric)
stand for the horse's registration number assigned by the ApHCG or ApHC. The bandages
use a number comparison to ensure that numbers are not assigned twice.
f) Positions 14-15 (numerical)
denote the year of birth.
(3) When the COR is converted from “non-characteristic” (N) to a regular registration, a one-time registration is issued
UELN not changed. The conversion of the COR is noted in the stud book.
(4) If the horse receives a COR from the ApHC after the UELN has been assigned, the registration number assigned here will be used
noted in the stud book, the UELN will not be changed.
17.2 Allocation of a name for entry in the stud book
(1) The names to be entered must not match names that have already been assigned and have 20 characters
do not exceed. If the name for an imported horse has already been assigned in the ApHCG's stud book, then it takes place
a numerical suffix (001, 002, etc.) is added to the name.
(2) If there is a COR of the ApHC, the name assigned in it is adopted. This also applies to any
Spelling mistake.
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17.3 Identification by means of a transponder
(1) The foals are labeled using transponders in accordance with B.10.2 of the ApHCG statutes.
(2) Identification by means of a transponder can be carried out by the ApHCG identification officer or by
a licensed and registered veterinarian.
17.4 Regulations for the mating of single-colored horses
(1) Horses from matings of monochrome mares and monochrome stallions that do not have the characteristic
Breed characteristics according to section 5 can only be found in the foal books of the stud book for
Appaloosa to be registered.
(2) Single-colored horses without characteristic breed characteristics may not be bred with breeding horses of the approved
Breeds are mated. Single-colored mares or stallions are excluded from this rule
Carriers of the leopard gene (LP gene) are.
(3) Single-colored horses are horses of the Appaloosa breed that do not have regular registration,
but have a registration with the code letter "N" (7th position of the UELN). For registration
Single-colored mares or stallions whose pedigree has been verified are eligible for the “regular” category
and for whom a positive LP test from a laboratory recognized by the ApHCG by means of a from
ApHCG recognized test procedure is available. The same genetic sample must be used for the LP test
which was also used for parentage verification. The results are in
Equine passport including animal breeding certificate of the horse registered. These horses will if correct
Proof to the ApHC as "regular". A mating of these horses with horses of the approved
Races is possible.
17.5 Minimum content of cover lists and cover slips
(1) The cover lists to be drawn up annually by the stallion owners in accordance with B.12.3 of the statutes of the ApHCG
must contain the following minimum information:
Name, UELN, year of birth, breed and owner of the mare
Name, UELN, year of birth, breed and owner of the stallion
Date of all coverings / inseminations
Type of cover (pasture cover, natural crack, fresh seed transfer, cooling seed transfer,
Frozen semen transfer, embryo transfer)
(2) The cover slips to be filled in after each covering in accordance with B.12.3 of the Articles of Association of the ApHCG as well as
Breeding certificates from other breeding associations must contain the following minimum content:
Name, UELN, color, markings and studbook category (department and class) of the mare
Name, UELN and studbook category (department and class) of the stallion
Date of all coverings / inseminations
Type of cover (pasture cover, natural crack, fresh seed transfer, cooling seed transfer,
Frozen semen transfer, embryo transfer)
Name and address of the mare owner
Signature of the stallion owner or his representative
Signature of the inseminating veterinarian (for insemination)
17.6 Minimum content of the foal report
(1) The foal reports to be submitted by the mare owner in accordance with B.12.4 of the ApHCG statutes must
contain the following minimum information:
Name and UELN of the (genetic) mother
Name and UELN (possibly ApHC reg. Number) of the father
Date of birth
place of birth
Base color
if applicable, information on stillbirth, twin birth or death shortly after the birth
Signature of the mare owner
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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Appendix 1 - principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed

The principles for breeding the Appaloosa breed in Europe are drawn up by the ApHCG eV. They are in
formulated in a separate document, which can be viewed on the ApHCG homepage (
can be and is made available for download.

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Appendix 2-List of genetic defects and peculiarities

genetic defects (hereditary defects)
(Lethal factors)
Breed or stud book
Examination / recording
through ...... Max. degree of training
Registration requirements:
Mares / stallions
Monitoring of recorded
Hypercalemic Periodic Paralysis
(HYPP) *
American Quarter Horse
Genetic testing in the offspring of
Stallion IMPRESSIVE (American
Quarter Horse, Appaloosa)
autosomal dominant inheritance
no carrier of the defective
Entry in the stud books
after submission of the
Test result
no breeding license
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Polysaccharide memory myopathy
(PSSM type 1)
American Quarter Horse
Genetic test when registered in
Stud book (American Quarter
Horse, Appaloosa Horse)
autosomal dominant inheritance
no carrier of the defective
Entry in the stud books
after submission of the
Test result
no breeding license
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency
(GBED) *, **
American Quarter Horse
Genetic test when registered in
Stud book (American Quarter
Horse, Appaloosa Horse)
autosomal recessive inheritance
heterozygous carrier of
defective gene
Entry in the stud books
after submission of the
Test result
Breeding approval with mating restriction
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia
(HERDA) **
American Quarter Horse
Genetic test when registered in
Stud book (American Quarter
Horse, Appaloosa Horse)
autosomal recessive inheritance
heterozygous carrier of
defective gene
Entry in the stud books
after submission of the
Test result
Breeding approval with mating restriction
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Equine Malingine Hyperthermia)
American Quarter Horse
Genetic test when registered in
Stud book (American Quarter
Horse, Appaloosa Horse)
autosomal dominant inheritance
no carrier of the defective
Entry in the stud books
after submission of the
Test result
No breeding license
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Cerbellar abiotrophy
(CA) **
Arabian thoroughbred
and other arabic
Genetic test upon inclusion in the stud book
monogenic autosomal recessive
homozygous carrier of the defective
Approval as a refiner with
Mating restriction
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing
Severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID) *; **
Arabian thoroughbred
and other arabic
Genetic test upon inclusion in the stud book
monogenic autosomal recessive
homozygous carrier of the defective
Approval as a refiner with
Mating restriction
Note in the stud book
Note on genetic testing

* Hereditary oligofactorial defects
** no pairing of two single carriers

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Appendix 3-List of health-impairing characteristics

For the Appaloosa breed, the following health-impairing traits are taken into account as part of the breeding program.

Breed health traits
Admission by ......
Max. Degree
the education
Registration requirements:
Mares / stallions
Monitoring of recorded horses
Jaw abnormalities in all stallions
specialist veterinary examination
if suspected, a specialist veterinarian
the incisors must not be more than 50%
protrude from the surface of the teeth. Deviations
of one tooth (s), such as crooked
Standing tooth / teeth are among the reasons for exclusion.
no licensing
Entry in the foal book stallions
Entry in the foal book of mares
Note in the stud book information
at Zuchtverband can
be obtained
Cryptorchidism /
all stallions
specialist veterinary examination
both testicles should be in size, shape and firmness
be normal size and the same and completely into that
Be descended from scrotum
no licensing
Entry in the foal book stallions
Note in the stud book information
at Zuchtverband can
be obtained
Hemiplegia laryngis (paralysis of the
all stallions with inspirational
Breathing sound
specialist veterinary examination
Paralysis of the larynx stallions
no licensing
Entry in stallion book II
Note in the stud book information
at Zuchtverband can
be obtained

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Appendix 4-Veterinary breeding suitability certificate

Veterinary breeding suitability certificate for licensing

Name of the stallion:
Life number (UELN):
Color and badge:

(to be completed by the vet)

Location of the stallion:

The stallion described above has been examined by me today.

1. general health:
2. Infectious skin diseases no yes
3. Hoof deformation no yes
4. Are acquired conformation deficiencies (galls, overlegs, tendon changes, etc.) to be found?
no Yes
5. Are there any scars that indicate the following operations?
no yes Larynx operation
Kopper operation
Nerve incision
Umbilical hernia surgery
6. Are there any abnormalities in the teeth?
no yes namely:
6a. Is a complete central occlusion achieved in the incisor area?
no Yes
Specify deviation in mm

7. Genital organs
7a) Have both testicles completely descended into the scrotum?
Yes No
Testicle size: left: right:
Testicular consistency: left: right:
7b) Are there any signs of changes in the external genital organs based on the clinical examination?
in front?
no Yes

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

8. Are there clinically recognizable signs of a disease with a hereditary origin or a genetic defect?
no Yes
9. Are there any signs of a nervous system disorder?
no Yes
10. Are there any signs of ataxia?
no Yes
11. During the investigation, no indications of the existence of major defects were found.
no yes, the following main defects are present:
(In order to check whether there is a larynx whistling, the stallion has to canter for a long enough time
observe. In case of suspicion, an endoscopy should be performed)

12. Is z. Is there adequate vaccination against influenza? (i.e. completed basic immunization)
Yes No
The last two vaccination dates were and.
The vaccine was used.
13. Could symptoms of a contagious disease in the stallion or in another horse in the herd
be determined?
no Yes
14. On the basis of the clinical examination carried out by me, I oppose the use of the stallion
in breeding from a veterinary point of view no / the following concerns:
Place, date Signature and stamp
of the veterinarian

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Breeding program for the Appaloosa breed

Appendix 5 breeding funding programs of the ApHCG

The regulations for the breeding support programs of the ApHCG can be found on the homepage of the ApHCG

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